Saturday, January 21, 2012

Symbiosis Group Activity Process

SIBM Pune process:

The total selection procedure lasts for quite some time. My allotted slot was 11 am. I was ushered in at 12 P.M, and I came out only past 8.30 P.M.

Sequential order of proceedings:

· There is a huge chaos at the registration desk most of the time. However, their system is well in place. For each day of GD-PI process and for each slot (There are 2 slots: morning and evening) there are 10 groups each, with 10-12 students per group. The group allotted to you stays till the end of the GD-PI process and every activity is to be done within the group.

· The groups A, B, C, D, E.... are allotted as per the code in the appointment letter for the 2nd round of process, after one gets a call from SIBM Pune.

· All the groups are made to sit in a huge auditorium. Lunch, snacks and tea are usually provided as and when a group gets a break from a certain activity. The entire process is very well managed and exclusively taken care of by students.

· There are 3 core activities in the entire process:

1. Group Discussion

2. Group activity (management games)

3. Personal Interview

· None of these stages are elimination stages. All the activities are to be carried out by all candidates who have got a call.

· Any of the three activities can happen first, according to the slots allotted to the group you are in. There is no sequential order for these three activities.

· There is a split up of 120 marks for the process as follows:

GD: 30

PI: 40

Activity: 30

SNAP score weight age: 20

· GD:

The group discussion is a major setback for people who cannot enter at the right moments in a GD effectively. Usually, per GD, there are the 10-12 candidates from your allotted group. Time given to the GD varies, but is usually not more than 15 minutes. That makes 1.2 minutes per person on an average if everyone speaks. Most of the times, the GD is a fish market. For the last 3 years, GD has been a business case study type GD. On the basis of SIBM’s seniors’ experience and my own experience, here are a few tips:

1. Give statistics for whatever case study you get. They love them.

2. Entering and exiting the GD does not make a difference to your marks. They look for how well you logically analyse the case.

3. Give parallel examples from outside closely mirroring the case study.

· Group Activity:

This activity, on a personal note, really does not matter, as all people from your group are bound to perform equally. That is, equally brilliant, or equally horrible! Most of this activity is a part of luck. If your group is sensible, you will sail through. If it is not, you will have to score heavily in the GD and PI, because, individually, there is hardly any incentive you get. More so, your group is allotted the marks and your score is averaged out accordingly.

What all comprises group activity?

1. Management games like making your entire group stand on two bricks without breaking them and without your feet touching the ground; making a hut out of thin paper and loose plastic straws; making a body-pyramid by carrying people on your shoulders etc.

2. Very important to note here is that, even if it sounds clichéd, “The journey is more important than the destination” in group activities. In other words, the judges will not see whether a group has passed or failed. They will see the following:

ü Camaraderie

ü Approach to the exercise and task

ü Over-smartness, or aloofness displayed

ü How the group together tries to reach the goal

ü Most important: How well you take the INITIATIVE—when the panel asks “Who would take the risk of doing....?” Your hand should go up. Take the initiative.

3. Individual questions may be asked to people regarding the exercise. These are generally very stressful. Ample instances are known of judges humiliating people for not completing the allotted task. Keep your cool. This is a just a part of the evaluation and not personal comments. Give logical reasons for doing or not doing a particular thing. DO NOT blame ANY member of your group for the failure. “We as a group” should reflect EVERYWHERE.

· Personal Interview:

Much emphasis is on the answers you have written in the SIBM Form one has to fill within a stipulated time after one gets a call. The interview may last for a range of 5 minutes to 40 minutes, depending on what gets displayed in your interview. This is invariably a stress interview. Keep bringing positive aspects of your personality in the interview.

All in all, it is a very rigorous process. Kudos if you sail through!

SCMHRD Process:

· The most well managed of all processes across many esteemed campuses.

· Mostly similar to the SIBM process with A, B, C, D, E... etc groups.

· The differences however are:

1. Group Discussion:

The GD group consists of only 6 people as opposed to 12 in SIBM. Hence, the situation of chaos does not arise at all, and you normally do not have people pouncing on each other in the GD. The GD also has a case study type and never has SCMHRD being known to conduct topic based GD’s. The case study is given a good 40-45 minutes per group to ensure that everyone speaks. At the end, the group is supposed to come out with a valid decision. This aspect is very important. In SIBM, the panel might not expect that and score you only for your good points in the GD. The judge panel is so fair most of the times that people who have not spoken for a long time are being made to speak and encouraged. Panel consists of 3 people.

2. Group Activity:

There is no group activity. There is GD, PI and a short document verification process for your certificates and recognitions, as SCMHRD gives profile based calls. However, this is set to change, with Symbiosis scrapping individual institutes’ profile based calls this year.

3. Personal interview:

For those with work experience, it is more or less based on that. For a fresher, BEWARE, the interview is mostly on academics and whatever you have learnt up till the interview. They literally grill you on your academics. Be prepared on current affairs pertaining to your area of graduation. A lot of these were asked to me, as well as few of my other friends, the same year. The panel consists of 2 people mostly and both these are SCMHRD faculty.

Round up:

It is definitely a very relaxed process. The entire process gets done in less than three hours, including a lunch break, if you are slotted there. MOST IMPORTANTLY, YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR OWN DAY and slot according to YOUR convenience. You cannot do this in SIBM. They allot slots randomly. The weight ages for individual processes are never declared. However I believe, this will change too, this year, owing to the changed system of Symbiosis University.

CONGRATULATIONS to all who got calls from SIBM and SCMHRD!

All the best for you process!

Tanmay Joshi



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